Dr. Usha Gupta

Helping Parents Navigate the Challenges of
New age Parenting

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by your child's tantrums and stubbornness?
  • Dreaming of nurturing a confident and responsible child, but finding it challenging?
  • Struggling to keep your cool in the face of defiant behaviors or conflict between siblings?
  • Are mealtimes, screen addiction, and bedtime battles causing you daily stress at home?
  • Feeling stressed when your child tunes you out, and doesn’t listen?
  • Yearning to shield your child from potential cyber threats like bullying?
  • Anxious about challenges such as peer pressure, competition, self-esteem, body image, and
    the impact of social media on your child?

Learn how to navigate these challenges and create a more harmonious family life.
Don't let the struggles linger – Take the first step now.

Book A Free Discovery Call

    We all want Parenthood to be a blissful experience, nurturing our child and developing a deep and strong relationship with them. This wish can come closer and closer to reality, once we bring a little more awareness in our thoughts and actions.

    Connect with us and become a Confident, Calm and Stress-free parent through

  • One-on-one and Personalized mentoring to help you understand your child’s needs and building stronger Bonds
  • Identifying the root problems and cause of conflicts, and therefore the right solutions
  • Easy to use resources, like time and stress management tools to make space for work, family, and just as importantly, for yourself.

Mentored by:
Dr. Usha Gupta

  • A working Mother, who has closely experienced working professionals' challenges.
  • A gynecologist who has worked with thousands of families over 30 years of her medical practice.
  • A certified Neuro Linguistic programming Coach.

Connect for a Free Discovery call
(Availble Both in Hindi and English)

I'm Dr. Usha Gupta,
A former gynecologist turned parenting coach. I’m the founder of Blissful Parenting Hub to Create a world where every family enjoys HARMONIOUS, HOPEFUL and HAPPY relationships.


How it Works


Understand 'WHAT' are the Challenges You are Facing.


Find Out 'WHY' is your Child Showing Difficult Behaviours.


Know 'HOW' to deal with those Difficult Behaviour & Situations.


Create a Bond and a CONNECTION where Your Child feels Loved, Safe and Secure.

Why do we need Coaching and Mentoring as Parents Today?

No one is born perfect, at Anything. But we can become better.
Parenting is the same. Just like any other skill, it can be learned and improved too. When you want to become a doctor or a designer or an athlete, you go to institutions, teachers and coaches and learn from the subject experts equipped with the latest technology and research, right?
But when it comes to parenting, how can we be dependent only on advice from our parents, some close relatives and friends?
They definitely have your best interests in mind, but may not be best equipped to resolve your issues and challenges.
Especially in today’s age of Nuclear Families, Globalized world, Higher Work Pressures, it is all the more important to get expert guidance who can help us through our parenting struggles.
Book a one-on-one session to start your journey towards a blissful parenthood journey and give your child a childhood full of hope, health and happiness.

Client Testimonial

पेरेंटिंग सबसे डिफिकल्ट तब होती है जबआपके बच्चे टीनएज बन जाते हैं| उसे समय पर हमारा साथ हमारी parenting coach डॉक्टर उषा गुप्ता ने दिया| एक टीनेजर के साथ बॉन्डिंग बहुत जरूरी होती है क्योंकि उनकी तरफ से हमारे बीच एक generation gap आ जाता है इसीलिए उनसे हमारी सोच match करना सबसे इंपोर्टेंट होता है| डॉक्टर उषा की एडवाइस से हमने अपने बच्चों को संभाला और आज वह अच्छे करियर की तरफ बढ़ रहे हैं, उनके बिहेवियर में भी सुधार आया है| डॉक्टर गुप्ता बहुत cool हैं और वह बड़े प्यार से पेरेंट्स और बच्चों को समझाती हैं| मुझे लगता है इस बदलते समय पर सभी को गाइडेंस की जरूरत होती है और अच्छी एडवाइस से आपके रास्ते आसान हो जाते हैं जो कि हमें डॉक्टर उषा से मिली|
योगेंद्र-कविता (जयपुर)
I feel blessed to meet Dr Usha at the time when I wanted to seek guidance in parenting a teenager. She is a very calm, patient, composed person whose advice helped me to navigate through the nerve wrecking tough challenges of a parent of a teenager. Thank You ma’am for your invaluable guidance which has helped me to evolve as a better person myself in all spheres of life.
Dr. Deepti Tomar
Juggling between work and home monotonous responsibilities we often tend to forget our role in raising physically and emotionally strong kids. My parenting journey became even more special when I met Dr Usha Gupta, a wonderful parenting coach who steered me through tough times and helped me regain my confidence . Being a mother of two, I struggled with the time crisis and different requirements of both the kids as there is a significant age gap. Dr Usha with her 6 session program came up with many time management ideas which not only helped me to utilize my time better but also bridge the gap between my 3 and 8 year old. She is now my favourite go to place as far as my kids' issues are concerned. Her calm and poise brings a lot of positivity and motivation to bring out the best in me as a mother. Thank You ma'am for being with me.
Swati (Mumbai)
Dr Usha Gupta is a wonderful parenting coach. She is passionate, caring and extremely experienced in her field. Her coaching sessions have made a tremendous difference in my approach to parenting. She has replaced my anxiety with a calmer attitude and approach. I feel more connected to my child. Working with Dr Usha is a supportive, empowering and result driven experience. She is a pleasure to work with and would highly recommend her coaching.
Preeti Bhargava (Jaipur)